General terms and conditions
- These general terms and conditions are applicable to all services provided by the lawyers of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV, with registered offices at Bourlastraat 3, 2000 Antwerp, company registration number 0828.631.111, to its clients. The contractual relationship exists between the client and Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV, even if the client only has contact with one or more particular lawyers of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV. In the event of any conflict, these General Terms and Conditions will prevail over any other general terms and conditions of the client, unless otherwise agreed in writing by one of the partners of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV.
- Depending on the nature and complexity of the case, one or two lawyers will normally be designated as the primary contact persons for the client. Other lawyers of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV may be added to the team if, in the opinion of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV, this is appropriate to fulfil the client’s request for legal services. For specific and/or foreign matters, Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV is also authorised to call upon the services of lawyers from other offices.
- Where Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV is required (by law, deontological rules or otherwise) to conduct a preliminary or other form of client investigation, the client shall provide all information, documents and supporting evidence requested by Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV. In the event of non-cooperation by the client, Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV reserves the right to terminate the provision of legal services, irrespective of whether services were rendered prior to the non-cooperation and without prejudice to the client’s obligation to pay for services already rendered and additional costs.
- Our fees for providing legal services are calculated on the basis of the time spent on a particular file and the hourly rate of the lawyers who provided the services in question. Our fees are calculated on a flat-rate per unit basis. The amounts of both the hourly rates and the costs will normally be communicated to the client at the beginning of the attorney-client relationship and in any case will be provided to the client free of charge and upon his first request. The rates for fees and expenses may be revised without prior notice. Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV also reserves the right to charge clients a provision/retainer in connection with its fees and expenses. Invoices are normally prepared on a monthly basis. All disputes should be notified in writing within 15 days of the date of the invoice. In the absence of such notification, the invoice shall be deemed to have been accepted. Invoices are payable from the 15th day after the date of issue. In the event of late payment, interest in accordance with the Law on combating late payments and a fixed compensation of 10% of the outstanding amount shall be due and payable without prior notice of default.
- The liability of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV and its lawyers, both contractually and extra-contractually, to the client and third parties for any damage, loss or expense directly or indirectly resulting from the provision of services, acts or omissions of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV and/or its lawyers is in any case limited to the amount actually paid out to Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV under its professional liability insurance policy, except in the case of intentional fault or fraud on the part of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV. The amount of coverage under the professional liability policy taken out by Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV exceeds the thresholds and requirements imposed by the applicable rules.
- Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV may terminate the representation of its client for any reason in accordance with the applicable deontological rules and/or when unpredictable or unforeseeable circumstances arise after commencement of the representation and render the service provision by Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV difficult or impossible. The client may terminate the representation by Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV in writing at any time. The termination of the services, however, does not affect the liability of the client to pay for services and costs performed prior to the termination and services and costs relating to the transfer of the file.
- Notwithstanding Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV’s reasonable efforts to protect its e-mails and attachments from viruses or other defects that could affect computers or an IT system, it remains the responsibility of the client to ensure that appropriate measures are in place to protect the client’s computers and IT system from such viruses or defects. Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV accepts no liability for any loss or damage incurred as a result of receiving or using electronic communications from Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV.
- Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV collects and processes personal data from clients in the context of its services, client management, bookkeeping and direct marketing (legal grounds: performance of contract, legal obligation and/or legitimate interest). Personal data is only passed on and retained to the extent and for the duration necessary for these purposes. The client has the right to inspect, correct, delete and object, as well as to lodge a complaint with the data protection authority. The client bears responsibility for the accuracy of the personal data he provides and undertakes to comply with the AVG with regard to the persons from whom he provides personal data and with regard to personal data received from Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV and its employees. For more information, please consult our Data Protection Policy on the website or contact us via or by telephone on 03/206.22.55.
- The relationship between Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV and the client is governed by Belgian law. In the event of a dispute, the courts and tribunals of Antwerp, Antwerp Division (Belgium) have sole and exclusive jurisdiction, without prejudice to the right of Marc De Block Advocatenkantoor BV to institute proceedings at the courts and tribunals of the residence or registered office of the client.