Arbitrage is een vorm van alternatieve geschillenbeslechting die een aantal niet te miskennen voordelen met zich meebrengt. Partijen die in een conflict verzeild raken, kunnen overeenkomen om dat geschil voor te leggen aan een scheidsgerecht. Zo’n geschil kan verband houden met een contractuele of andere verhouding die tussen hen bestaat.
Ons kantoor heeft een uitmuntend reputatie in het behandelen van nationale en internationale arbitragegeschillen en dit wereldwijd. Mr. Marc De Block is lid van CEPANI, het voornaamste arbitrage- en mediatiecentrum in België.

Really can recommend Advocaten De Block, quick & clear communication through several channels (telephone & email), gained honest advice on my case and could rely on a fast and great service throughout the whole process.
Recommendable. Easy to talk to and a pleasure to work with. I was always well informed and we obtained an excellent result.
Marc has been our lawyer for more than 30 yrs. He has gained a very strong reputation in the int’l diamond trade as the lawyer of the Antwerp Diamond Bourse since 1992 then of the AWDC-HRD and the Dubai Diamond Exchange where he assisted us in complicated matters pertaining to the diamond trade. Marc is used to working in an int’l environment and has strong experience in Africa. He works very fast and immediately comes to the crux of every case he handles and finds a pragmatic solution for it.
Marc De Block gives honest legal advice. He will always try to hand over his best work and if this doesn’t work out for any reason, he will refer you to other relevant lawyers. I would definitely recommend Marc De Block and his fairness.
Marc has a very professional approach and is really clever how to handle a case. When you are in a pickle, he’s the one to call! He is honest in his communication, he can offer you peace of mind, save you money and spare you from (many) sleepless nights.